20 degrees Celsius

Everything that starts has an end. So does the bad weather (rain, wind) in Madrid. Yesterday were 20 degrees Celsius for the daytime and 14-15 for the night (at the time when the pictures were taken, around 10 P.M.) so it was a splendid day to walk and I took advantage of this. I went “a little” to La Gavia Centro Comercial, 27 metro stations one way – nice trip, isn’t it ? – to find some wedges (I didn’t) and then some walking downtown (with picky visits to some tiendas). But the shooting time arrived at the evening, after 2 hours of walking (you can easily understand my frustration due to the bad weather). I’m not proud for the quality of the picture, but I promise, I really promise to  shoot next set on daytime. I have in my mind a nice trip into a park or even further, out of Madrid. But let’s see what’s going on this weekend. My beloved photographer got cold, I hope she’ll be fine soon. I promise her a nice cup of coffee and a croissant (let’s be french for a day!), on my expense! 🙂 What about your weekend plans ? Would you include me too ? 😛

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