Like a painting

September transforms Madrid in a painting… the leaves, the sky, everything captures inside the colors of Fall. It’s beautiful just to walk, not only in parks, but also on the streets of the old city. And take photos 🙂

Septiembre transforma Madrid en una pintura… las hojas, el cielo, todo capta al interior los colores del otoño. Es precioso para caminar, no sólo en los parques, sino también en las calles de la antigua ciudad. Y sacar fotos 🙂

23septiembre 004

23septiembre 006
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Circles of Joy

It’s all black&white… with a little of color, next to your imagination. Black&white it’s not only a decent scotch, but also my old love, does express a lot of feelings but not everything is free and easy to achieve.  Similar to life. Something is hidden, hard to say exactly what, but there is always something you can only see with your imagination, not with the eye. Well, those pictures were made on December 12, and only today, after some changes using those circles, I release them for your pleasure. There is not only a photographic effect, it’s also a metaphor, the world is so cold, gray, only with shadows and no colors, while the fun, the colors are constantly attacked and kept in narrow circles, the “circles of joy”. Very few of us have access into those happy circles. I invite you to let your soul free and join me in one of them.

Click on the pictures to see the full size of them, it’s a big difference in quality, due to the software compression used.







And at the end, some kind of chandelier made entirely of spoons, great idea…


…and a sleepy Santa:
