Live it up!

Madrid is a wonderful city at night. In the summer nights, there are more people on the streets than in daytime. It’s a pity that my night shots are so bad, I cannot find a good setup for my camera… hm, if someone knows some tricks I’ll be happy to listen 🙂 Ah, these pictures exasperate me, I want so much to present my new denim blazer from Mango, but no chance with that photo quality; the next pictures will be made under better lighting so I’ll postpone the presentation 🙂 The blazer is to-die-for, you have to believe me!!!

Don’t click on the pictures, there is no better quality…


Me, as a statue 😀

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Ocean Burger

Sounds like a fast food, but it isn’t. Sounds also like a fish-oriented restaurant, and it’s not. What’s then ?! It’s one of my recommendation if you visit Puerto del Carmen and you want a good meal and a generous Mojito or Caipirinha near the Atlantic water. Ocean Burger is also very affordable, a cocktail is only 3.50 euros and a big (very very tasty) pizza is about 7 euros. But the restaurant is not limited to pizza, don’t be fooled, they also serve a lot of other interesting dishes (seafood, fish, spanish typical dishes etc). The owner (you can see him in a picture) is a very nice person, funny and always with a smile on his face. The interior looks tidy and well arranged, with a pleasant regard to the details. Let’s see the pictures:




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Best invention: the ponytails

I love the sea, the sand, the summer heat, I crave to be well tanned… in one word: I love being at the beach. But, I also pretend that my hair looks good during the tanning process, and knowing the beach conditions (sun, wind, humidity, sometimes even sea water) there was always a lost war, until I discovered the ponytails. Yeah, you can laugh as much as you want, but I wasn’t used to wear my hair in that way, so I didn’t knew how it is. My first ponytail was made in the middle of the head, but it doesn’t allow me to sit comfortable on the beach chair so I split it in two. That way has been born my hairstyle with two ponytails. Helped with some hair-pins and two ponytails, my hair could stay arranged and the wild wasn’t a pain in the ass anymore! For the beach, I declare the two-ways ponytails, the best invention ever!


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The garden: a new perspective

I was impressed by the beauty of some gardens in Lanzarote’s Puerto del Carmen so I try to find out more about the climate of the island. What I found:

Frequently called ‘Islands of Eternal Spring’, the Canary Islands have warm and sunny weather all year round, with temperatures rarely under 16ºC (61ºF) in winter and 25ºC (77ºF) in summer, influenced by their closeness to Northern Africa, which applies especially to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.

Lanzarote lies within a zone of hot and dry climate, where rain is very rare, resulting in a semi-desert climate. Unlike most of the other Canary Islands, Lanzarote features no high mountains (the highest being around 670 metres – 2,198 ft), which means that it is lacking the natural barrier, the so-called ‘sea of clouds’, normally responsible for creating rain conditions, lower evaporation and a reasonable humidity level.

On an average there are no more than 16 days of rainfall annually – and these can usually be experienced during the months December to February!

Lanzarote’s climate can vary depending on where you are – even so it has the most consistent climate of all the islands of the archipelago, which makes it a favourite winter holiday destination for northern Europeans. The north of the island is usually windier and cloudier and has a little more rain due to the moist trade winds blowing generally from the north. The southern part is drier and hotter and enjoys as much as 2500 sunshine hours annually. Central Lanzarote, located between the windier north and the sunnier south, can be said to have the most moderate climate on the island.

Lanzarote suffers the warmest days of the year in summer when the hot sirocco wind – a phenomenon referred to by the locals askalima or Tiempo Africano (African weather) – is prevailing. This hot, dry air from the Sahara desert, laden with fine dust, makes everybody feel very uncomfortable.

                                                                                                                                               infos from website

I don’t know about the sirocco wind and I’m a little concerned because I’ll visit the island in August and some tourists told me what a hot temperature they were forced to accept in that particular month. Anyway, better than coldness of the North… this is also the motif for my new poll:

And now, “the gardens”:



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