Pride of Maspalomas 2014

It’s January and I’m already thinking to this year’s Pride of Maspalomas to come. There’s not much time left until May, so you better book your hotel and buy your flight ticket if you want to be present at the best European LGBT pride. The island of Gran Canaria and the sunny Maspalomas start the preparations. I already have my airplane ticket and my hotel is booked so… Maspalomas here I come! Here is the promotional video of the Pride of Maspalomas 2014:

Es enero y ya estoy pensando en el Pride de Maspalomas de este año. No hay mucho tiempo hasta mayo, así que es mejor reservar tu hotel y comprar tu billete de avión si quieres estar presente en el mejor orgullo LGBT de Europa. La isla de Gran Canaria y la soleada Maspalomas ya calentan sus motores. Yo tengo mi billete de avión y mi hotel está reservado así que… ¡Maspalomas estoy casi  allí! Aquí está el video promocional del Pride de Maspalomas 2014:

And now, some photos  from the previous edition, Pride of Maspalomas 2013, I took at the Miss contest. Here are photos I never published on my blog (some of them I published on TransLiving Magazine, thanks to Shane Marcus, the kind owner and senior editor). Enjoy!

Y ahora, os propongo algunas fotos de la edición anterior, Pride de Maspalomas 2013, que saqué en el concurso de Miss. Están las fotos que nunca publiqué en mi blog (algunas de ellas estaban publicadas en la revista TransLiving Magazine, gracias a Shane Marcus, el amable dueño y editor jefe). ¡Disfrute!

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Continue reading “Pride of Maspalomas 2014”

Orgullo Gay Madrid 2013 – The Parade

Madrid, July 6th, 2013 – the Pride of Madrid parade started at Atocha, passed on Paseo del Prado, then Cibeles and ended up at Puerta de Alcalá. More than 1.2 million people on the streets ignoring the hot temperature (38 degrees C) to support the LGBT rights, to put pressure on the authorities to respect the LGBT rights, to give a clear answer to homophobia. This year’s slogan of the Pride was ¡Jóvenes sin armarios! – young go out of the closet! I made lots of photos but here is the selection. Enjoy and remember to always say NO! to homophobia!

Madrid, 6 de julio de 2013 – el desfila del Orgullo de Madrid comenzó en Atocha, pasó por el Paseo del Prado, a continuación Cibeles y terminó en la Puerta de Alcalá. Más de 1,2 millones de personas en las calles ignorando la temperatura (38 º C) para apoyar los derechos LGBT, para presionar a las autoridades a respetar los derechos de LGBT, de dar una respuesta clara a la homofobia. Lema del Orgullo de este año fue ¡Jóvenes sin armarios! – Jóvenes salen del armario! Hice un montón de fotos, pero aquí está la selección. Disfrute y recuerde siempre decir NO! a la homofobia!

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Continue reading “Orgullo Gay Madrid 2013 – The Parade”

BurLesKAS Dance Session & POOL PARTY (Gay & LesBian)

There are only 4 weeks left until the 2013 edition of Pride of Maspalomas will open its gates and 5 weeks until the BurLesKAS dance party will make you enter into the burlesque dance dimension… that means corsets, lace, see-thrus, holds-up, girdles and frilly outfits, good dj music, nice ambient and only girls! Yea, sorry boys, this is only for women, BUT you can join the POOL PARTY (which is for designed for all LGBT people: gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals): nice swimming suits, bikinis, fresh cocktails and beach dj music… The only thing you have to do is to book your stay using portal or the authorized travel agencies. There are too many advantages to miss that! See you in Maspalomas!!!

Check the BurLesKAS 2013 promo:


Laura ROJO aka Lady RED:

Nuria Scarp:

Becky Perry:

Carlos DTodos:

Agu Lukke:

BurLesKAS 2013 News

There are only two months and a half left before the best ‘only for girls’ party in Gran Canaria: BurLesKAS! It’s a great dance party and a wonderful opportunity to make new friends or, who knows, to meet the girl of your life! But BurLesKAS is even more: the event take place every year on the last Friday of the Pride of Maspalomas, a LGBT joyful event that Gran Canaria and Maspalomas hosts every May. For 9 days (counting the pre-Pride events too), Maspalomas becomes the world capital of diversity with hundreds of thousands of participants, mainly from Europe, which is remarkable for a small island. The hospitality of the inhabitants, the perpetual sunshine (the island has a sub-tropical climate), the affordable prices, all conduct to a great holiday, so what are you waiting for ?

Due to the Pride, the Maspalomas accommodation in May is quite a challenge, but BurLesKAS came with a solution: the accommodation package with 3 hotels options and flexible choices (regarding the nights of hotel, breakfast, all-inclusive etc). Also the transfer airport-hotel-airport is a convenient option you can choose. All the informations, here.

So, in May, we have a date on the hot beaches of Maspalomas! And for the night of BurLesKAS party, the cold cocktails, the sexy burlesque girls and the music surely will dazzle your eyes and feelings!

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BurLesKAS News!

The BEST NEWS come from World Travel Market, London (UK) where the BurLesKAS LGBT tourism offer is now presenting. You can be with your friends, with me and a lot of happy/sexy people on the beaches of Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, SPAIN) celebrating the LGBT Pride of Maspalomas in May 2013!!! Also a BurLesKA girl will be there to welcome you, to show you the city’s nightlife, the best Pride’s places, and to introduce you to the feeling of the island. And finally, me and my friends will accompany you to the BurLesKAS ‘only for women’ burlesque party! And the second day you’ll enjoy the sun, the cocktails and the good dj music at the POOL PARTY (produced by BurLesKAS and UXXS MAGAZINE, the best FREE LGBT magazine of the Canary Islands).

What else ? Well… many gifts and surprises!

Read more here:

English: BurLesKAS Blog notice

Español: BurLesKAS Blog info