The Pool Party (2013)

Organised by BurLesKAS and UXXS Magazine for the Pride of Maspalomas week, the Pool Party les&gay was hosted by AxelBeach Hotel. On a delightful sunny day, the party at the pool was animated by various well-known djs and we also enjoyed a fantastic show provided by Drag Circus. The friendly atmosphere, the great drinks and the entertainment assured a perfect afternoon for us. Thanks to all the people that made this possible!

Due to the large number of photos, I’ll post here a selection, but you can also view the entire album by clicking on the links at the end of this post.

Organizado por BurLesKAS y UXXS Magazine para la semana del Pride de Maspalomas, la fiesta en la piscina les&gay tuvo como huésped el hotel AxelBeach Maspalomas. En un día soleado y agradable, la fiesta en la piscina fue animada por varios djs de renombre y también disfrutamos de un fantástico espectáculo proporcionado por Drag Circus. El ambiente agradable, las buenas bebidas y el entretenimiento aseguran una tarde perfecta para nosotr@s. ¡Gracias a todas las personas que hicieron esto posible!

Debido a la gran cantidad de fotos, voy a publicar aquí una selección, pero también se puede ver todo el álbum clickear en los enlaces al final de este post.

pride maspalomas plata 616
Continue reading “The Pool Party (2013)”

BurLesKAS News!

The BEST NEWS come from World Travel Market, London (UK) where the BurLesKAS LGBT tourism offer is now presenting. You can be with your friends, with me and a lot of happy/sexy people on the beaches of Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, SPAIN) celebrating the LGBT Pride of Maspalomas in May 2013!!! Also a BurLesKA girl will be there to welcome you, to show you the city’s nightlife, the best Pride’s places, and to introduce you to the feeling of the island. And finally, me and my friends will accompany you to the BurLesKAS ‘only for women’ burlesque party! And the second day you’ll enjoy the sun, the cocktails and the good dj music at the POOL PARTY (produced by BurLesKAS and UXXS MAGAZINE, the best FREE LGBT magazine of the Canary Islands).

What else ? Well… many gifts and surprises!

Read more here:

English: BurLesKAS Blog notice

Español: BurLesKAS Blog info

Short notice

Hello my friends! I have a short announcement to make: the flyer of BurLesKAS 2013 is now on the market. There will be published soon (next week) the travel&accommodation offer for the party (including the Pride of Maspalomas) and, of course, I’ll keep you well informed. The Pride of Maspalomas is the best LGBT pride I ever been (& I attended some), maybe because the city of Maspalomas is like a huge beach resort, 90% of the population being tourists or maybe because the open mind people of the island… You can browse my blog for countless photos I made there this year.

BurLesKAS is an only for women burlesque dance party, and it’s now an official Pride of Maspalomas event.  The next year BurLesKAS party will be also accompanied by a daylight gay&lesbian POOL PARTY (made in association with UXXS Magazine). It’s first edition was this year in August and it was a massive success, flushing the myth that gay men and lesbians cannot party together.

All in one, BurLesKAS means: music, party, djs, cocktails, beach, great weather!, pretty women, burlesque outfits, good vibe, nice atmosphere and so on.

ENGLISH readers: here is the note from the official blog of BurLesKAS:

Click here

Aquí se encuentra el informe en su idioma (castellano):

Haga click aquí

BurLesKAS in the new UXXS Magazine

We have the pleasure to announce the issue of UXXS Magazine (October) – the best Gran Canaria magazine dedicated to  the LGBT community.

In this new issue of UXXS Magazine you can read about a lot of interesting persons (like Andreas DerlethMister Gay World 2012, Mayte Mederos, Conchita Wurst and many others!) , events (from past and future), enjoy the first quality photos and poster (Eye Zoom). It’s amazing the work they do to keep us informed.
UWE FISCHER and his crew are doing a GREAT JOB in this new issue of the UXXS Magazine and it’s our pleasure to invite you to browse it online by clicking here:


The October UXXS Magazine

Tenemos el placer de anunciaros la emisión de UXXS Magazine (octubre) – la mejor revista de Gran Canaria dedicada a la comunidad LGTB.
En este nuevo número de la revista UXXS Magazine se puede leer acerca de un montón de personas interesantes (como Andreas DerlethMister Gay World 2012, Mederos Mayte, Conchita Wurst y muchos otr@s), eventos (del pasado y del futuro), disfrutar de las fotos de primera calidad y el cartel (Eye Zoom). Es increíble el trabajo que hacen para mantenernos informad@s.
UWE FISCHER y su equipo están haciendo un EXCEPCIONAL TRABAJO en este nuevo número de la UXXS Magazine y es nuestro placer de invitarle a navegar en línea pulsando aquí:


Click to read more about BurLesKAS in the UXXS Magazine. I’ll keep you informed about the next year’s parties, where I’ll be present.